Friday 14 March 2014


Fruits are nature's treasure or rather nature's gift to human beings. Fruits are the tastiest of all healthy foods. They are healthy because they contain all the essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals and sugar, that are required by human beings on a regular basis. Fresh fruits, in their natural form, are also easy to digest, as compared to nutritional supplements. Therefore, fruits can be consumed by people of any age group.

When asked to define a fruit, most of us will suggest that a fruit is that component of a plant which has a pulpy flesh, which often tastes sweet, tangy, sour or even sharp. Secondly, fruits have attractive colors and can be classified into different types. However, in botany, a fruit is defined as the one that contains seeds and is derived from a flower. Fruits, indirectly aid in reproduction through the process of seed dispersal.

If you take a look at the botanical definition of fruits, you will note that several vegetables can also be categorized into the 'fruit' group. This is indeed true. There are several vegetables that are botanically fruits. However, here we have mentioned only those that can be traditionally classified into the 'fruits' category. If you are looking for a list of all fruits with pictures, then you are at the right place. Mentioned below are the different kinds of fruits grown in the world.

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